Commonality is designed to be incrementally adoptable and work alongside your existing workflows.

This guide will get you set up in a few seconds and show you how to leverage Commonality to structure your existing JavaScript projects.


Install Commonality

Running the init command will quickly get you up and running in any existing JavaScript project.

This command will:

  1. Install commonality at the root of your project
  2. Install and configure checks that benefit most multi-package projects from commonality-checks-recommended (optional)
npx commonality@latest init

Run your first checks

Checks ensure that packages in your project conform to a set of rules.

Try running the command below to view the status of the checks we’ve set up for you.

npx commonality check

You’ll see the status of the checks run against all packages in your project.

Checks are also auto-fixable with a single keypress, making it easy to adhere to the best practices your team has created.


Open Commonality Studio

You can view your project’s dependency graph, edit tags for packages, and more in Commonality Studio.

Run Commonality Studio with the following command:

npx commonality studio

Next steps

Commonality is designed to be incrementally adoptable and work alongside your existing workflows and tools.

Explore our other features to get even more out of Commonality: